Stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself with natural remedies is a nontraditional treatment called homeopathy. The idea of homeopathy is to use small doses of a substance rather than a large dose. Homeopathic treatment utilizes natural substances to stimulate minor symptoms that are similar to the disease. Instantly, the natural substances trigger the body to fight off the disease. An example this would be if someone had a cough and the medicine they took to cure their sickness also causes them to cough.
The goal of homeopathy hypothetically strengthens your immunity to a specific sickness. The concept of homeopathy is similar to vaccination. The difference between vaccination and homeopathy is that vaccination exposes doses of the inactive virus to build up the immunity system to that virus. The homeopathic treatment does not use active or inactive viruses to strengthen the immunity system.
The homeopathic treatment involves small doses of plants, animals, or minerals, which are exceedingly diluted. Lowering the dose normally results to be more effective. Potentization is the process of how homeopathic remedies are made. The substances are either shaken or ground into a powdered form.
Energy is transferred from the substance to the diluted remedy during the process of potentization. The energy transferred is what stimulates the body’s ability to heal naturally.
Homeopathy was introduced to the United States in the 1800s by Hans Burch Gram. There are about 5 million adults and 1 million children that use homeopathy in the last year. A National Health Survey listed compatible and different medicine substitutes in 2012.
Although homeopathy is not proven to treat or prevent cancer, studies have shown that it may reduce the amount of swelling, relieve osteoarthritis, moderate the healing of possible bruising, and help people cope with their pain.
In a review for homeopathy in cancer care, there was no evidence found to prove homeopathy to cure cancer. Advocates usually recommend homeopathy to patients after surgery because it will still help the swelling and bruising post-surgery.
To ease your symptoms after mesothelioma treatment, a balanced diet would be ideal.